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The first thing you need to do is install the test helpers.

npm i @reatom/testing

Let’s test this code:

import { action, atom } from '@reatom/core'
export const countAtom = atom(0)
export const add = action((ctx, payload) => {
countAtom(ctx, (state) => state + payload)
import { expect, test } from 'vitest'
import { createTestCtx } from '@reatom/testing'
import { add, countAtom } from './main'
test('Test main module', () => {
const ctx = createTestCtx() // Create test context
const track = ctx.subscribeTrack(countAtom) // Record atom changes
// Check initial state
// Call some actions
add(ctx, 5)
add(ctx, 10)
// Check that action "add" work properly
expect(track.lastInput()).toBe(15) // it's the same as expect(ctx.get(countAtom)).toBe(15)

You can also mock actions if needed. In the next example, we have an async API.

Note: In real code, we recommend using the @reatom/async to work with asynchronous APIs

import { action, atom } from '@reatom/core'
export const todoAtom = atom(null)
export const isLoadingAtom = atom(false)
export const fetchTodo = action(async (ctx) => {
const response = await ctx.schedule(() =>
return await response.json()
export const loadTodo = action(async (ctx) => {
try {
isLoadingAtom(ctx, true)
const data = await ctx.schedule((ctx) => fetchTodo(ctx))
todoAtom(ctx, data)
} catch (e) {
} finally {
isLoadingAtom(ctx, false)

Let’s test it without calling the real api

import { expect, test } from 'vitest'
import { createTestCtx } from '@reatom/testing'
import { loadTodo, fetchTodo, todoAtom } from './main'
test('Test loadData atom', async () => {
const ctx = createTestCtx()
const track = ctx.subscribeTrack(todoAtom)
// Mock action with call
ctx.mockAction(fetchTodo, (ctx) => Promise.resolve([{ id: 'foo' }]))
await loadTodo(ctx)
expect(track.lastInput()).toStrictEqual([{ id: 'foo' }])

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